Active Life Physical Activity Classes
Active Life classes are generally less intense or gentler in nature and would be best described as 'Physical Activity' classes with a variety of different forms of movement, stretching and posture checks with a variety of basic, safe core exercises progressed on a weekly basis. These classes are perfect for people who have never been very active or recently been debilitated and are looking to become more active and gain all the associated health benefits.
A Fit For Life 'Active Life' Class will be:
Researched, designed and developed from our experience of working with older adults.
Able to cater for specific populations and pathologies but also for participants of different levels of ability.
Fun, social, varied and easily tailored to all needs.
Delivered by a member of the FFL team or by a certified Fit For Life trainer.
Active Life classes are fun and enjoyable and are perfect for people who wish to gradually introduce more physical movement safely into their lives. The most important thing to remember is that any additional physical activity or movement that you bring into your life, no matter how small, will have a positive effect on your health!
Due to the vast experience that we have built up over the years, our highly trained team can accommodate all levels into a group scenario safely and seamlessly.
By attending our classes we can help you to gradually build up your overall ability to get out and about!
To book a place at our next class please click below or call (01) 213 7915!