Individual Home Exercise
Programmes Home Visits
Fit For Life provide exercise and rehabilitation therapists to come and assess your current ability in carrying out activities of daily living. They will design an individualised programme and instruct you on the most effective way to increase your physical activity levels.
Our team can also assist those individuals who have been prescribed a home exercise programme and require assistance in order to carry it out correctly.
What Happens in Home Exercise Programme (HEP) Home Visit?
Arrival of our therapist:
A suitable day & time will be confirmed
Therapist will arrive at your home and set up your home to carry out specific assessments
We will then get you to complete a specific screening tool that identifies if there any activities, exercises or medical conditions that you may be more susceptible to injury or fall.
If required, we will assist you to set up your home for further online contact.*
Areas that will be assessed will include:
Your flexibility and muscle strength
Your balance - while still, moving and turning
Your physical fitness (e.g. how far you can walk in a set time)
Report and Follow-Up:
After we have completed your assessments our team will provide a comprehensive report and an initial 12-week home exercise programme specifically designed for you!
You will receive continuous support throughout this period including reassessments in your home at weeks 4, 8 and 12 to measure your progress and ensure that you are getting the most out of the service. You also have the option to join one of our online 'live' group classes with older adults of similar ability.
*Fit For Life can provide technical assistance is setting up a reliable online service if required.
To find out more or to book a home visit please click below or phone us on (01) 2137915