Online Nursing Homes Services
Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Group Exercise Therapy
Our virtual online consultation packages can be arranged for numerous types of interventions and support such as:
Post Fall Assessments
Transfer/Manual Handling Assessments
Initial Assessments - Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy
To instruct a resident to carry out their specific individually prescribed exercise programmes (inclusive of pulmonary rehabilitation)
To instruct staff members to deliver a supervised treatment (e.g. Passive exercise programmes for prevention of contractures)
To instruct or assist staff in pressure care in positioning and repositioning of residents in specialised wheelchairs or appropriate bed positioning
Fit For Life ‘Live’ Remote Group Exercise Classes
Exercise Instructor for the Older Adult Training Courses - delivered remotely via online interactive e-learning platform.
*Please note these online services can be used as a stand alone service or as an additional support service when our therapists are not with you and your residents face-to-face in your home.
Post Fall Assessment – Physiotherapy &/or Occupational Therapy
This assessment is to be carried out in conjunction with attendance at an MDT meeting or prior direct contact with a member of nursing team. Following a review of falls report and analysis of the fall our Physiotherapist will carry out a further assessment with the assistance of your team members. In this assessment our therapist will be able to ascertain whether there is a need for additional investigations to take place e.g. x-ray. They will assess your residents’ ability to weight bear, transfer and mobilise safely and whether the resident has declined post-fall in any of these areas (providing baseline measures are available).
Transfer/Manual Handling Assessments – MH Instructor/Occupational therapist led
This assessment may be part of a post-fall assessment or an initial or reassessment if your team members feel they need additional input to ensure a resident is being transferred appropriately.
Initial Assessments - Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy
These assessments would enable your team to get accurate baseline assessments for mobility, ability to perform ADL’s and to highlight any areas of concerns in relation to a new admission or a resident that has recently deteriorated and has not had a previous thorough AHP (allied health professional) assessment.
To instruct resident to carry out their specific individually prescribed exercise programmes inclusive of pulmonary rehabilitation - Physiotherapy
This service is a direct one-to-one consultation with a resident and normally one member of staff to carry out exercises specific to the residents' needs based on previous assessment.
To instruct staff members to deliver a supervised Physiotherapy treatment
This is a supervised treatment where our therapist gives detailed instructions to one or two staff members through a video call. An example of this type of treatment would be the delivery of passive stretches to residents to prevent contractures.
To instruct or assist staff in pressure care in positioning and repositioning of residents in specialised wheelchairs or appropriate bed positioning – Occupational Therapy
This service requires assistance of a minimum of two staff members with detailed planning pre-intervention to ensure that the resident is available and in the suitable environment for a quality review to take place.
Requirements for these consults to take place include:
Staff members to assist
A tablet or smartphone available that is the property of the Nursing Home
Reliable internet connection
With all of these interventions, approximately 40 mins of every hour will consist of direct video contact with 20 mins allocated to documentation and additional follow-up. Detailed logs of additional work performed can be provided.

MDT Video Conferences
This service can be arranged at set times that suit you and your team. It can be a part of your current meetings or at a time that you feel that your team will get the most out of the interaction with our team.
The meeting can have more than one team member such as a Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist and a Senior team member for additional expertise in the areas of Falls or People Manual Handling issues.
The meetings can have specific topics if required such as falls prevention clinics where we target one specific area or they can be more general based on specific complex cases that may entail input from numerous members of our team.
How does it work?
In order for your team to get the most out of this service we would require pre-meeting access to recent medical history, baseline measures and incident report and pre-recorded video or images if appropriate. All can be completed in a manner that respects the individuals' privacy and fully adhering to GDPR.
Once we have reviewed the information a video conference (video conference is highly recommended but voice call is an option) is arranged at a time suitable for your team. We may provide multiple team members to attend the video conference as appropriate. The software used for the meeting can be Skype, What’s App, Teams, Zoom, FaceTime or any other system that your team are currently using.
During the meeting, minutes will be taken and ‘action plans’ will be devised and allocated to the appropriate team members. Action plans can be directly related to additional information being provided or specific tasks to be completed by your team or a follow-up one to one video consultation with a resident may be warranted.
Fit For Life ‘Live’ Group Exercise Classes
We have been delivering evidence based exercise sessions for Older Adults for the last 20 years and have successfully converted our class format to a 'live' online medium.
We will liaise with your team to carry out a trial in order to set up your room and IT so that your residents get the most from these sessions.
The room set up and size and current physical distancing practices will determine the number of residents who could participate and benefit from each class.
Requirements include:
Smart Television or Projector (Laptop with HDMI cable or tablet)
Projector screen or a clear white wall to project Zoom/Skype call to if not using a smart tv.
Room set up: suitable chairs with adequate space between them and set up in a manner to enable participants to view the screen.
Minimum of 1 member of staff
Equipment – Fit For Life can send you a starter pack of equipment which includes, Batons, Resistance Bands, Balls, Balloons!
For more information please call (01) 213 7915 or click below!