Manual Handling Training Courses
We tailor our training days to deliver non people/patient manual handling training for non-clinical team members such as:
Kitchen, housekeeping, maintenance, administration
Office workers
Tasks related to their roles ensuring they apply safe principles for manual handling tasks
Common areas of support we review have been in relation to:
Looking at new floor cleaning systems (single mop head systems)
Reviewing deliveries and storage systems
Laundry team – identifying main loads, causes of overreaching, overloading, static tasks
Kitchen tasks related to systems that involve prepping food and movement of loads around the kitchen.
Moving equipment around an office
Duration: 3 hours, Certified 3 CPD points.
Ensuring that your team are applying best practice manual handling techniques in all aspects of their work.
Reducing the risk of work related injuries.
Educating team to know their role in risk assessment and applying in everyday tasks.
To find out more about our training please call one of our senior management team on (01) 213 7915!